We’ve loved creating videos and blogs to aid and inspire your printmaking throughout 2021! What started out as a way of reaching our customers whilst our workshops had to be closed down, turned into an ongoing project that’s reached so many more printmakers all over the world. Thank you for watching our videos and supporting us this year.
Browse through all the videos from this year below to see if there are any you’ve missed or want to revisit:
There has been a mini-series on prepping for linocut, including choosing a suitable block, transferring a design and staining your lino:
Choosing which Type of Lino is Right for You
Staining Lino to See Your Carving More Easily

Transferring your Design onto Lino
We have made loads more relief printing videos including colour mixing, how to fix ink reticulation and repurposing items for your relief printing kit:
Taking a Proof of your Linocut with a Rubbing
Oil-Based or Water-Based Relief Printing Inks?
Different Ways to Transfer a Linocut to Paper

Colour Mixing with Schmincke Relief Printing Ink Set

Using Slama Presses for Relief Printing
Khadi Papers and Mini Kean Ball Bearing Baren
How to Fix Ink Reticulation when Relief Printing
We haven’t forgotten to make more videos about block printing on fabric (something we get asked about all the time!):
Block Printing on Fabric without a Roller – Make Your Own Stamp Pads

We’ve even tackled the dreaded clean-up! Screens, blocks and rollers can be saved using the proper clean-up techniques:
Removing Dried Ink from Rollers using Zest It Printmakers Washdown
Removing Ternes Burton Tabs from Delicate Papers

Using Zest It Printmakers Washdown to Remove Tape Glue Residue from Screens
Removing Dried Ink from a Screen using Zest It Printmakers Washdown
Screen printing remains one of our passions at Handprinted so there have been loads of screen printing tutorials:

Screen Printing with Puff Paste – Puffy Spiders

Repurposing Items for Screen Printing
Coating a Screen with Photo Emulsion
Mono Screen Printing with Brusho
Screen Printing a Gradient with a Split Fountain

Mixing Your Own Screen Printing Inks for Fabric

Screen Printing onto Dark Fabrics
Screen Printing a Graphite Drawing
If you fancy dipping your toe into the world of exposed screens we’ve got some information to help:

Creating Hand Drawn Designs for Exposed Screens
Artwork Requirements for an Exposed Screen
Intaglio printing produces such lovely results! Try your hand at the techniques we’ve explored this year:
Drypoint Etching (with Drypoint Plastic)
Using Carborundum Gel to Create an Intaglio Plate

Using Mirror Card to Make an Expressive Drypoint Print

One of the most popular projects we’ve done is this monoprint scrim print:
We’ve got colourful with dyeing too!

Finally, there are a handful of other projects we’ve had fun with:

Low Tech Lithography: Making Cards with Polyester Litho Plates

You can find all of our videos on Youtube, our website, or on Instagram!