Meet the Maker: Nick Morley (with giveaway!)

Nick Morley, aka Linocutboy, has been making linocuts for more than ten years. His works have appeared on book covers, magazines and chilli sauce labels
and his prints are collected worldwide. Nick writes a blog about linocut and his book Linocut
for Artists and Designers was published in June 2016 – continue to the bottom of the page for a chance to win a copy!

How and where did you learn to print?

I learnt the basics of etching and screenprinting at art school, then continued to take classes once I graduated. I got a lot of pointers from other artists
at East London Printmakers, where I was a member for ten years. With linocut, I mostly taught myself.

Why printing?

I find linocut a very versatile medium. People think of it as this graphic medium, resulting in slightly crude black and white designs, but in fact it
can be used in many different ways. You can create clean hard edges or expressive marks, layers of subtle transparent hues or strong bold colour. By
altering the way you ink and print a block you can lay down the ink in a flat, even surface or a mottled, textured finish. Every time I develop a print
I discover something new.

Is there a story behind the name Linocutboy?

Linocutboy was a pseudonym I used on the Guardian Soulmates dating website (where I met Catherine, my partner of nine years) and after that it just stuck.
It’s great for Google searches too!

Where do you work?

I work at Hello Print Studio, which is part of Resort Studios in Margate. I was a founder of Resort and I set up Hello Print Studio so I could run workshops
and so other artists and designers could use it to make prints. We have facilities for relief printing, etching, screenprint and letterpress. It’s
a fantastically creative space. I work surrounded by other artists and illustrators, as well as photographers, architects and film makers.

Describe a typical day in your studio.

Every day is different. I might be carving lino or printing, working on an illustration commission, teaching, packing up prints and books to send off or
sweeping the floor. I have a one year old son, Mica, so my time is divided into even more activities than before. I do try to draw every day and have
a walk, either on the beach or in the fields near my home.

How long have you been printmaking?

Twenty years. Wow, now I feel old!

What inspires you?

Old photos and posters, dusty museums, nature and nature documentaries, children’s books, living artists like Swoon and dead ones like Thomas Bewick and
Ulysse Aldrovandi.

What is your favourite printmaking product?

I use Caligo inks which are great for transparent layers of colour, and they wash up with water.

What have you made that you are most proud of?

Apart from my son, I would say my book, Linocut for Artists and Designers, which took three years to write.

Where can we see your work? Where do you sell and teach?

My website, plus I’m very active on Instagram where I post lots of photos of my studio, work in progress and random insects I find. I sell through Material and For
Arts Sake in London, Frank in Whitstable, Fox and Spindle in Margate and Odd One Out in Hong Kong. And I have an Etsy shop. My book is available from

What will we be seeing from you next?

I’m planning to make a children’s book called Play with your Food.

Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?

Keep at it, experiment, travel, have fun.

Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a copy of Nick Morley’s ‘Linocut’ book here!
draw will take place on the 31st October to reveal the winner!

If you’re interested in joining Nick Morley for his Multi-Block Lino Workshop, click here.


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