Tie Dyeing 5 Ways – Part 1 – Scrunch Dyed Denim Hotpants

This weekend I tie-dyed some clothes with my two daughters. They had seen some Isabel Marant styled clothes in Top Shop and we thought we could give it a go ourselves.

First up was a pair of sad and tired jeans.

  • We dipped them in a 10% bleach solution scrunched up for about an hour (whoops forgot to take a photo) and then machine washed them ready for dyeing.
  • We cut off the legs and then placed the denim hotpants to soak in a bowl of water.
  • We added 1 teaspoon of Deep Purple Procion MX dye to 100mls of cool water. Making a paste from a little water and the dye first makes it easier to dissolve the dye fully.
  • We added 1 tablespoon of Soda Ash to 100mls of water and stirred until it had all been dissolved.
  • We mixed the Soda Ash solution into the Dye solution.
  • We poured the Dye and Soda Ash Solution into a leakproof plastic bag. Putting the bag inside a tub makes this step much easier.
  • After squeezing out the excess water from the hotpants scrunch them into the bag and tie the top. Give the bag a couple of squeezes and then leave for at least two hours. (We wanted the the depth of colour to be stronger in places, so giving the couple of squeezes ensured the dye was spread about inside the bag, but allowed the folds in the hotpants to act as a natural resist to the dye).
  • Remove the hotpants from the bag and rinse with cold water until the water runs clear. Then put the hotpants on a 60’c machine wash to remove any excess dye. (We use Metapex for this as it will remove the excess dye. If you don’t have any Metapex you can use a non-biological washing powder/liquid).
  • Ready to wear!

Open Access Print Studios

Below is a list of open access print studios, facilities and cost varies per location – if you know of anymore please let us know so we can add them to the list.

Aberystwythprintmakers – Wales http://www.aberystwythprintmakers.org.uk

Art Academy Print – London http://www.artacademy.org.uk

Bainbridge Studios – London http://www.bainbridgestudios.co.uk

Black Church Print Studio – Dublin, Ireland http://www.print.ie/

Boden Print Studios – Buckinghamshire http://www.bodenpress.co.uk

Cardiff Print Workshop http://www.cardiffprintworkshop.com

Cork Printmakers – Ireland http://www.corkprintmakers.ie

Double Elephant Print Studio – Exeter http://www.doubleelephant.org.uk/

Dundee Contemporary Arts http://www.dca.org.uk

East London Printmakers http://www.eastlondonprintmakers.co.uk

Fife Dunfermline Printmakers http://www.fifedunfermlineprintmakers.org 

Glasgow Print Studio http://www.gpsart.co.uk

Green Door Printmaking – Derby http://www.greendoor-printmaking.co.uk

Handprinted – Bognor Regis http://www.handprinted.co.uk

Highland Print Studio – Inverness http://www.hotbedpress.org

Hot Bed Press – Salford http://www.hotbedpress.org

Ink Spot Press – Brighton http://www.inkspotpress.co.uk/

Inky Cuttlefish – East London http://www.inky-cuttlefish.co.uk

John Howard Print Studio – Cornwall http://www.johnhowardprintstudios.com

Leicester Print Workshop http://www.leicesterprintworkshop.com

London Print Studio http://www.londonprintstudio.org.uk

London Printworks http://londonprintworkstrust.wordpress.com

Marshfield Print Studio – Nr Bath http://www.marshfieldprintstudio.co.uk

Northern Print Studio – Newcastle upon Tyne http://www.northernprint.org.uk

Ochre Print Studio – Surrey http://www.ochreprintstudio.co.uk

Omega Printmakers – Portsmouth http://www.omegaprintmakers.co.uk/

Oxford Printmakers http://www.oxfordprintmakers.co.uk

Print Club London http://www.printclublondon.com

Printmaking Afloat – Hertfordshire http://www.printmakingafloat.co.uk

The Print Room – London http://www.theprintroom.talktalk.net

Red Hot Press – Hampshire http://www.redhotpress.org.uk

Sidney Nolan Trust – Powys http://www.sidneynolantrust.org

SLAUGHTERHAUS Print Studio – London http://www.slaughterhaus.net/

SONSOLES Print Studio – London http://sonsolesprintstudio.co.uk/

Spike Print Studio – Bristol http://www.spikeprintstudio.org

Swansea Print Workshop http://www.swanseaprintworkshop.org.uk

Thames Barrier Print Studio http://thamesbarrierprintstudio.wordpress.com

West Yorkshire Print Workshop http://www.wypw.org

Yale College – Wrexham http://www.regionalprintcentre.co.uk