‘Screen Printing at Home’ by Karen Lewis, is a new comprehensive guide to screen printing onto fabric from the comfort of your kitchen table.
Karen, a textile designer and maker, began printing textiles as a way of making her work more identifiable as her own. You can find her gorgeous printed fabric panels at www.karenlewistextiles.com. The book explains the minimum equipment and space needed to start screen printing onto fabric and sewing your new creations – perfect for anyone wanting to start printing and making at home. Step by step instructions show you how to screen print using stencils as well as how to use screen filler to create designs on your screens. ‘Screen Printing at Home’ features 12 simple sewing projects including egg cosies and bucket bags, as well as 4 no-sew projects like printed pillow cases and tea towels. Karen’s design templates are in the back of the book to get you started.

To get your hands on this book, or to have a closer look, click here
…and finally, a few things we think you will need to get going on some of Karen’s projects: